The 300-year project of the corridor through the territory of Armenia
The Baku regime denied the presence of Israeli forces in its territory, fearing Iranian retaliation. Iranologist
Baku is spreading false publications that the US is creating a military base in Syunik. Tatev Hayrapetyan
If the provisions of the bilateral agenda are not discussed, then what benefit we will gain from the signing of the agreement? Abrahamyan
The presence of European observers inspires confidence in the population of border communities. Ambassador of France
In the last 4 years, Baku has been actively involved in seizing territories from Armenia either through aggression or blackmail. Abrahamyan
Aliyev literally considers the territory of Armenia to be a "region of Azerbaijan". Azeri scholar
In the West, Aliyev will continue to be considered a "reliable partner" and will call on Yerevan and Baku to make "painful concessions". Tatevik Hayrapetyan
The security of neighboring residents is possible only in that case. Tatoyan
Baku will not present a demand to Armenia in two cases
The collapse of the Pashinyan-Aliev meeting is directly related to the failure of the two countries to agree on regulations. Abrahamyan
Armenia's security problems will not be solved by signing contracts for the supply of several types of weapons. Artak Zakaryan