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The resolution of the European Parliament is groundless. Aykhan Hadjizadeh

Angin Khachatryan

The resolution of the European Parliament is groundless. this was the statement made by the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, Aykhan Hajizade.

"Mechanical acceptance of such one-sided resolutions without adequate evaluation has long become common for the European Parliament. This step is nothing but a clear political order by a number of European powers, which is aimed at worsening relations with Azerbaijan," the spokesperson said.

The parliament of Azerbaijan, the Milli Mejlis, also described the resolution as biased and unfair.

Yesterday, the European Parliament adopted a resolution with a ratio of 427 votes to 4, calling for the EU to stop cooperation with Azerbaijan in the field of energy and to refuse any future agreement with Baku until political prisoners are released in that country and the situation in the field of human rights is improved.

The author of the resolution, a member of the European People's Party from the Czech Republic, Michaela Shojdrova, noted that the European Parliament intends to seek the release of all political prisoners in Azerbaijan.

"We understand how sensitive the issue [of energy] is, but we are convinced that the EU cannot have close relations with a country that continues to violate human rights," Shoidrova stated.

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