
"Western Azerbaijan" has become a new national goal in a hostile country

Gohar Avetisyan

Candidate of historical sciences, Turkic scholar Varuzhan Geghamyan presented a fresh survey from Azerbaijan in his Telegram channel, where Azerbaijan's ambitions towards Armenia are clearly visible.

"Azerbaijani Social Research Center has conducted a sociological survey on the order of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University dedicated to the so-called "Western Azerbaijan" (that is, the Republic of Armenia).

The results of the survey prove that the state propaganda in the hostile country is so large that "Western Azerbaijan" has become a new national goal for the vast majority of the Azerbaijani society.

Without further comment, I am posting answers to several questions from the research, because they are very telling in themselves, in the context of the "future" being built for us by the de facto government of Armenia.

Below are the questions.

96.2% of respondents answered "yes" to the question "Do you consider Zangezur, Irevan and Goycha (i.e., Western Azerbaijan) to be the territories of Azerbaijan?"

58.1% of respondents answered "in the next 5 years" and 19.9% answered "in 5-10 years" to the question "How soon will the return to Western Azerbaijan take place?"

📍To the question "Which format of the policy of return to Western Azerbaijan do you support?", 73% of the respondents answered "through negotiations" and 15.7% "through military means".

📍 To the question "Does the return to Western Azerbaijan depend on the Zangezur Corridor?", 76.9% of the respondents answered that "the opening of the corridor is a mandatory condition for that return."

By comparing the results of this survey with the current military and diplomatic policy of Azerbaijan, you will see why it is necessary to capture the most fortified parts of Tavush as quickly as possible.

And in the attached picture there is a map of "Western Azerbaijan" on the wall of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University.


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