The toolkits are implemented competently, it can be seen that quite time-consuming work was done. Civil technologist: "Medialab"

Hasmik Andreasyan

Cultural technologist Armen Badalyan answers the questions of "Medialab".

"Mr. Badalyan, I am asking for your observations regarding the technologies of the movement that started in Tavush, the tools used. How do you evaluate the progress of the movement up to this moment?"

"I can say that the instruments are quite competently implemented, the PR campaign is quite competently implemented: the necessary music, the marching anthem are completely consistent with the essence of the movement, there is nothing superfluous. It can be seen that quite time-consuming work was done, it is not like that all this was created in two days. The photos are taken quite competently, the photos distributed by the movement are quite successful and completely derive from the essence of the movement.

From a technological point of view, it is a successful movement, of course, it does not mean that the movement will succeed or fail, that is not the problem, I want to say that as a technological process itself, it is organized at a fairly good level."

"In other words, do you think that serious preparations were made before the start of the actual movement?"

"I suppose, yes, because such technologies are not born on your feet, you need to know where to go, what to do, where to stay, what should be photographed, what should not be photographed, how to speak, how to answer journalists' questions. answered. We can say that Saint Bagrat quite competently answers many questions of journalists and can show a master class to 90% of the RA political field."


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