What is happening in Armenia disturbs Aliev

Gohar Avetisyan

Political analyst Hakob Badalyan writes in the Telegram channel: "Against the background of the meeting in Almaty, Ilham Aliyev had another ambitious and aggressive speech. On the one hand, he declared that Armenia is acting according to his demand, on the other hand, he stated that "no one should be offended by him" in the case of "revanchists raising their heads".

Thus, from afar, on the one hand, he gives a card to the opposition, saying that the so-called demarcation and demarcation process is proceeding according to his dictated conditions and demands, on the other hand, he gives a card to the government, giving grounds to say that the process taking place in the square can be "war-like". " is

Practically, according to me, what is happening in Armenia worries Aliyev.

The meeting in Almaty lasted for 4 hours and will continue tomorrow as well. Meanwhile, it seems that there was no question that there could be a two-day meeting. Could this be a sign that Yerevan has shown "unexpected resistance?" And could it be even a partial effect of the resistance in Armenia's internal life?

Most likely. That is why Aliyev decided to speak in parallel with Almaty, trying to leave a "dual" impact on the events taking place in Armenia.

The least that is worth doing for the sides of the process unfolding in Armenia is to at least "not give in" to Aliyev in the fight against each other.


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