Baku's goal is to establish that Armenia is an "occupier" and "aggressor" state, with all the consequences arising from it. Azerbaijanologist

Gohar Avetisyan

Azerbaijanologist Tatevik Hayrapetyan writes in the Telegram channel. "In international relations, there is a clear approach that puts various restrictions on the militarization and weapons accumulation programs of the states that have been involved in occupation and aggression. It should be noted that Armenia is such a state in the South Caucasus region," this is the most important part of the statement of Hikmet Hajiyev, assistant to the president of Azerbaijan, regarding the Armenian-French military-technical cooperation.

In my analyses, I have repeatedly mentioned that Baku's goal is to establish that Armenia is an "occupier" and "aggressor" state with all the military, political, financial and economic consequences arising from it. This is such a simple reality that it doesn't take much intelligence to see and understand it. Against this background, when the RA authorities impose their false discourses on the public, convincing them that there is no need to raise a voice about Artsakh, that it is necessary to give up rights in order to prevent war, the image of Aliyev as an aggressor and a dictator is washed away in various capitals, indirectly and directly contributing to the fact that Azerbaijan achieve what he wants. Meanwhile, in case of a consistent and intelligent policy, Aliyev would have earned the label of aggressor and genocidal.

Rejecting one's own roots, forgetting the entire history of the Artsakh movement, not even talking about the right of return... sooner or later all this will be directed against Armenia itself. Pashinyan and his team will no longer be in power at some point, but the damage they have done to Armenia is truly irreversible in many ways..."

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