They are trying to convince our public that the re-liberation and re-Armenization of Artsakh is impossible. Vardan Voskanyan

By fair means and foul, they are trying to convince our public that the re-liberation and re-Armenization of Artsakh is impossible, or with a more "beautiful" packaging, they are trying to "reconcile with reality". Iranologist Vardan Voskanyan wrote about this on his Facebook page.

"Such a vicious approach typical of a weakling is the same as trying to convince an athlete who has lost once that he no longer needs to train and strive to achieve rematch in the next, even inevitable, competition and enjoy the joy of victory."

Meanwhile, our region is not a peaceful sports environment, but often a place of life and death struggle, where weak nations are ravaged and forced to leave the arena of history," he wrote.

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