
The passage of the so-called "Middle Corridor" through the territory of Armenia contradicts Indian and Iranian interests. Vardan Voskanyan

Mary Gasparyan

India has officially responded that it understands the Iranian attacks on the terrorist group "Jaish al-Adl" in the territory of Pakistan by means of rockets and drones, as zero tolerance should be shown towards terrorists. Iranologist Vardan Voskanyan wrote about this on his Facebook page.

"The picture, however, is broader and more interesting, because the strikes were preceded by the visit of the Indian Foreign Minister to Iran, and during it the issue of expanding the infrastructure of the Iranian port of Chabahar, an important component of the Indian "North-South" transport hub, was also discussed.

In the conditions when the pro-Iranian Yemeni Houthis have practically limited the movement of goods through the Red Sea, the Indian "North-South" has become even more attractive and relevant for the world. And the rival of Iran's Chabahar is Pakistan's Gwadar, so the Iranian attack is again multi-faceted in terms of geopolitics.

The message is very clear and deep: the Red Sea is not safe, Pakistan is unstable and harbors terrorists in its territory, and Tehran does not even consider its nuclear status, so the "North-South" starting from India and passing through the territory of Iran will become the Indian subcontinent to Europe. the shortest and safest international connecting route.

The so-called Turanian "Middle Corridor" is the antithesis of this plan, and its implementation through the territory of Armenia directly contradicts both Indian and Iranian interests, so it is not at all accidental that India arms Armenia, and Iran regularly even threatens the barbaric regime in Baku. and warns Turkey.

Therefore, it is in Armenia's interest to put aside illusions and work hard with these two Asian giants to become a participant in the "North-South" and in this matter the most serious geopolitical alternative to artificial Azerbaijan, which is allied with India's friend Pakistan and Iran's enemy Israel. is he

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