
"History of Armenians" will become "History of Armenia". Pashinyan hinted at the change

Mary Gasparyan

The Government of the Republic of Armenia has published a project on the unified website for the publication of legal acts, which proposes to make changes to the Government's decision N 439-N of April 8, 2010 and to rename the subject "History of Armenians" to "History of Armenia". According to Factor.am, the 6th sub-point of point 33 of the state standard of general education stipulates that in the 5th-6th grades of the general state program of general education within the scope of "Patriotic Studies" and "Society, Social Sciences" fields, Armenia and the Armenian people are presented. history, culture and religion, geography, spheres of public life, and the subject of "Armenian history" is presented as a compulsory subject in the 35th point of the National Academy of Sciences.

In the justification of the project, it is mentioned that by changing the name of the subject "History of Armenians" to "History of Armenia", the inconsistency in the definitions of the 33rd and 35th points of the National Academy of Sciences is eliminated. "As a result, the name of the subject becomes clearer, within the framework of which the events that took place in different periods of the history of Armenian statehood and the Armenian people will be studied," the project states.

It is noteworthy that the rationale includes examples from the stories of other countries and the change was made as a result of studying the experience of those countries. "It should be noted that in different countries, the subject dedicated to teaching the history of a given country is called the history of that country, for example, in France, schools teach the history of France, not the French, in Poland, the history of Poland, and so on. By calling the subject the history of the given country, an institutional approach to the strengthening of the ideas of the state and statehood through the given subject is shown, the history is presented as the history of the emergence of that country as a collective and organized society.

In the justification of the project, it is also mentioned that by changing the name of the subject, students develop the necessary position and values of knowing the interests of their own country and protecting them. "While the name Armenian history, which essentially refers first of all to the history of people, makes that history possible even without the state and statehood, thus not contributing to the formation of key abilities defined by the state standard of general education," the draft says.

The government fully hopes that the change of the name of the subject will correspond to the framework of history in the subject standard and the program, in which the events that took place in different periods of the history of Armenian statehood and the Armenian people will be studied.

It is noteworthy that Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan also spoke about renaming "History of Armenians" to "History of Armenia". The latter "blamed" himself for not noticing the nuance between "Armenian history" and "Armenia's history". there, according to Pashinyan, there is a deep and substantive difference. According to Pashinyan, "History of Armenia" implies a history of statehood with episodes of lack of statehood.


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