Today's Republic of Armenia does not reflect historical Armenia, does not reflect the interests of the Armenian people. Archbishop Mikael Adjapahyan

Gohar Avetisyan

Archbishop Mikael Adjapahyan, leader of the Shirak Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, answered the questions of "Medialab".

"Your Highness, the authorities again referred to the clergy in the form of the Mother See. According to official deputy Vahagn Aleksanyan, the church has violated at least one of God's commandments: do not lie when it says that territories from Tavush will be handed over. I ask for your observation."

"And who are they to blame? We should take the accusations seriously. They can say whatever they want, but now we have to take their words seriously?"

"I mean, you don't take it seriously?"

"Of course I don't take it seriously."

"And don't such statements create a certain opinion and impression among the public about the Church?"

"No. The fact that they say that we are lying? You know, liars always talk more about other people's lies, they are pathological liars, we may miss a few things, say something wrong, hide something, but we are not liars, but they are pathological liars, they need treatment. as liars, they should consult a doctor, they already have a disease, a pathology, ours may be a mistake, although in this case we have not lied, and they are living a lie. Therefore, when a liar accuses someone of lying, it only causes a smile, nothing else."

"Your Highness, the government says that they are not handing over territory from Tavush, what they are giving belongs to Azerbaijan and should be returned."

"How and where did they decide that it belongs to Azerbaijan, when there was neither demarcation nor demarcation, how did they decide that it is Azerbaijan? How did it happen to Azerbaijan that it has been under the control of Armenia for the last 35 years, how did it happen to Azerbaijan when the Prime Minister of Armenia goes to the Golden Ball that way, why does he violate the border, isn't he ashamed, why is he on the territory of Azerbaijan? goes to Voskepar, shame on him, I'd be ashamed in his place."

So who is lying, he has been going back and forth through that territory for 30 years, since the days of his childhood, now it turned out that we should not go that way, because it is the territory of Azerbaijan? Let the demarcation and demarcation take place, then it will be seen who's territory. If he talks about something that didn't exist, then he is lying, and he is a pathological liar and he has infected all those around him with his pathological lying.

"The same deputy mentioned the "opposing archbishop" in his speech. Do you consider yourself like that?"

"Who are they that I should be against them? I have never been in the opposition or I have always been in the opposition. Now understand as you want. I have said a thousand times that I am neither from the right nor from the left, I am where I believe the truth is. If I make a mistake in the search for the truth, let them testify about it, say that you are making a mistake here, Your Holiness, the truth is not that, it is this. But I am never on the side of any party, I am not on the side of any political force, I do not serve the agenda of any political force. I serve the agenda of the truth or what I consider to be the truth, therefore I have not been in the opposition either before or now or I have always been in the opposition, both before and now, understand it however you want.:

"Under the leadership of Nikol Pashinyan, the government has been actively promoting the thesis of transition from historical Armenia to real Armenia..."

"We also delimit it, but not in the same way as him. We say that today's Republic of Armenia does not reflect historical Armenia, it does not reflect the interests of the Armenian people, it is not viable in its own living space, in the environment in which it lives. This territory was drawn by the Genocide and Stalinist terror, and accepting these borders means justifying the Genocide and Stalinist terror."

"These borders were not drawn by a referendum, nor were they drawn by some Armenian-Turkish reconciliation commission. I also said that the western borders were drawn by the Genocide, and the eastern and southwestern borders by the totalitarian regime. How can such boundaries be valid?"

"It is very clear that these borders are beneficial to Azerbaijan and Turkey, and that is why they protect these borders and the legal acts by which these borders were drawn. We have no right to give in to the Turkish-Azerbaijani agenda. We are not talking about historical Armenia here. Historical Armenia is much bigger, it goes all the way to Cilicia, to the Mediterranean Sea, it's not about that, it's about whether or not there will be retribution for the Genocide, including territorial ones."

"The same, will part of the territories gifted to Azerbaijan by the totalitarian administration be returned to the legal owner or not? He takes it and puts it under the vague term "historical Armenia" in order to present his thesis: let's abandon historical Armenia in order to save the real Armenia."

"Your Highness, according to you, what is the real Armenia imagined by the government?"

"This is the 29,800 or so that Azerbaijan and Turkey will allow, because it serves the Azerbaijani-Turkish agenda, it does not serve the Armenian agenda, it is very clear. And the Turks will not be satisfied with 29,800, the next step will be the total return of Azerbaijanis to Armenia, without the return of Armenians to Azerbaijan, Turkey, there is nothing in return, only concessions."

What they imagine is to turn Armenia into a buffer zone between Turkey and Russia. For example, why did Turkey first recognize Armenia's independence, because Turkey's dream is not to have a border with Russia, for that it needs a weak, weak Armenia as a buffer zone between itself and Russia and also between itself and Azerbaijan, so that they can solve all kinds of issues themselves. in this neutral territory at the expense of the Armenians, by the hands of the Armenians.


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