
This is an attempt to force the Armenian people to deny their "birth certificate" and impose a "cadastre paper" instead. Ruben Karapetyan

Gohar Avetisyan

Diplomat, historian, former RA ambassador Ruben Karapetyan writes: "A few important considerations about the delimitation process that started from Tavush.

Early demarcation and demarcation with Azerbaijan are not simple processes in the case of the Republic of Armenia, as for many countries in the world, but are related to the history of Armenia, the origin and mission of the Armenian people, its security and future existence.

The acceleration of these processes stems primarily from the interests of Turkey and Azerbaijan, which after the Armenian Genocide are occupying territories in the Armenian Plateau step by step and are trying to deprive the Armenian state not only of its internationally recognized, geographically and historically fixed, non-negotiable RIGHT to the Armenian Plateau, but also to destroy the Armenian the main components of the people's identity, to tear us from our roots, historical memory, dream and vision.

This is an attempt to force the Armenian people to give up their "birth certificate" and impose another, new "property certificate" instead, which the head of the RA government called "cadastre paper". In the latter, there is no Artsakh, there are no villages, strategic positions and heights that are the sovereign territory of RA, there is no Syunik...

There is no doubt that after completing the process with Azerbaijan, Turkey will demand the same process from Armenia. There was already a hint about that from Ankara. This time Turkey will demand from Yerevan not 1921. The official reaffirmation of the Treaty of Kars, but the implementation of a new "redrawing".

As long as the Armenian people (not to be confused with the current RA government) do not close Artsakh's page with Azerbaijan and the international community, as well as the Armenian Genocide reparation issue with Turkey, in these difficult geopolitical conditions, the demarcation implemented by the RA authorities as soon as possible starting from Tavush is a foreign agenda and contradicts the RA state agenda. and national interests, is a threat to the security, vitality and future existence of RA".


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