The authorities are trying to crush the possible border provocations in advance on the leader of the movement, Bagrat Srbazan. Abrahamyan

Hasmik Andreasyan

The government is trying to oppose the domestic political developments gaining momentum in Armenia with the threat of war. Tigran Abrahamyan, secretary of the National Assembly "I have honor" faction, wrote about this on his Facebook page.

"In normal conditions, of course, this factor, in the conditions of difficult relations with Azerbaijan, is at least debatable.

But when this is spoken by a government that in 2018 approached similar claims with sarcasm, hostility or indifference, it evokes mixed feelings.

Secondly, the government is trying to crush the possible border provocations in advance on the leader of the movement, Bagrat Srbazan, who, according to the government, incites tension with his actions and statements.

A government under which the devastating 44-day war took place, the aggression against RA took place in 2021, 2022, and the war against Artsakh was unleashed in 2023, speaks of the steps of others that may lead to war.

In his famous speech in 2018, when Serzh Sargsyan warned about the difficult geopolitical situation we are in and what serious consequences are expected, it was not in their interest to listen, because their priority was not Armenia, nor even more so Artsakh : Their dream was to become a power, but not to assume responsibility, but to enjoy its pleasures.

It's the same now. Their struggle is for personal well-being, not statehood, and that's why they got mixed up," he wrote.

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