The declared 25 hectares were initially under the control of Armenia. It was just a minefield. Tatoyan

Gohar Avetisyan

Former RA human rights defender Arman Tatoyan writes. "The messages published by the RA MFA and the Prime Minister's Office yesterday evening regarding the border delimitation between Azerbaijan and Armenia clearly mislead the public and violate Armenia's security system.

The process is opposed to the foundations of the RA Constitution and international obligations and the supremacy of law in general. It is anti-democratic, because it happens without the real participation of people, especially local residents, and taking their opinion into account.

First, the Committee on Border Deregulation and Border Security Issues does not have any delimitation function.

In Armenia, no authority of the commission or any of its members is fixed by any law, any decision of the Government or any other legal act.

Moreover, in 2024 On April 19, the MFA itself publicly stated that by 2024 On July 1, it is necessary to "finish the work on the agreement on the draft regulation on the joint activities of the Commission for the Demarcation of the State Border and Border Security between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan and the State Commission for the Demarcation of the State Border between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia".

In other words, there won't even be a demarcation project until July 1.

On the other hand, according to the RA MFA, what is currently happening in Tavush with the borders is border demarcation. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs repeated the same yesterday.

Contrary to that, the Ministry of Justice of RA and a number of members of the ruling National Assembly [KP] claim that what is happening in Tavush is a preliminary border delimitation, without clarifying what it means.

It follows from the [contradictory and confusing] words of the CP deputies that demarcation will be carried out after the pillars are installed in Tavush. Meanwhile, it is not taken into account that the installation of the pillars signals the end of the border determination, and not the initial stage of the border determination before the demarcation.

Yesterday's statements of the RA MFA and the Head of the Government ignore the security of the residents of Kirants, Acharkut, Voskepar and other villages of Tavush and the country in general, as well as the vital rights and needs of people. It cannot disturb even the natural environment of people.

According to our studies, as a result of these solutions, for example, in Kirantsi, 2 houses and about 57 plots of land, to which the residents of Kirantsi have legal rights, are illegally handed over to Azerbaijani control.

About 15 houses are under direct observation of Azerbaijan and right on the border.
Acharkut village and others are under the Azerbaijani target.

Yesterday's statement of the head of government's office is misleading in the sense that it creates the impression that 25 hectares of land is being transferred from Azerbaijan to RA control. Meanwhile, according to the exact data we found, that land was under the control of Armenia from the beginning. it was simply a minefield.

Therefore, I resolutely record once again that what is happening undermines the security system of people and the entire country, does not ensure the safe life of people in the villages of Tavush and, of course, is against the interests of the statehood and people of Armenia."

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