What changes are they going to make in the Constitution and what should we pay attention to?

Gohar Avetisyan

Political scientist Ara Papyan writes on his Facebook page. "I'll tell you not to say I haven't informed. 

The current RA constitution begins with these words:
"The Armenian people, taking as a basis the fundamental principles of Armenian statehood and national goals established in the Declaration of Independence of Armenia..."

Thus, by reference, the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Armenia is part of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia. There are at least three points in the RA declaration that are unacceptable for Baku and Ankara. They are (two in the preface, one in a separate clause):

"based on the joint decision of the Supreme Council of the Armenian SSR and the National Council of Nagorno-Karabakh dated December 1, 1989 "On the reunification of the Armenian SSR and Nagorno-Karabakh".

"developing the democratic traditions of the independent Republic of Armenia established on May 28, 1918",

"11. The Republic of Armenia supports the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide in 1915 in Ottoman Turkey and Western Armenia."

Since the declaration of independence of RA is not subject to change, the Nicolaitans, in compliance with the instructions of Baku and Ankara, should make changes in the existing constitution of RA and remove the reference to the declaration of independence of RA and leave the above-mentioned points out of the constitution of RA. The recommendation about the new constitution has already been given.

They will do this by fixing the membership of the European Union as a goal in the new RA constitution. Considering that the majority of RA citizens will rightfully prefer the goal of European membership to remaining in the RA structures, the reference to the declaration of independence of RA will be removed from the preamble of the RA constitution and the goal of European Union membership will be added. The core of the propaganda of the Nikolakas and Adir Sazandars will be the fixing of the goal of EU membership, but there will be no talk about the elimination of the reference to the Declaration of Independence of Armenia.

Be careful. If the reference to the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Armenia will be preserved in the new or amended version of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, then vote according to your beliefs.If not, vote against it, because it will no longer be your convictions, but the fulfillment of instructions from Baku and Ankara."


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