
Azerbaijan, which used phosphorus weapons, has no right to host an international ecological conference: is it possible to prevent "COP29" from being held in Baku?

Mary Gasparyan

"Detq" has already told about how Azerbaijan extorted the opportunity to hold the international climate conference of the United Nations, "COP29", and what problems may arise for Armenia.

We also touched on the issue that Azerbaijan has started mapping Armenia's natural resources and environmental problems with the intention of presenting them to the above-mentioned conference.

In relation to the problem, Armenian non-governmental organizations made a statement the other day, calling on civil society representatives not to participate in the 29th session of the Conference of Participants of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ("COP29") in Azerbaijan. The statement stated that the participation of independent non-governmental organizations and the free press in "COP29" in Baku has no security guarantees, and provocations or forced expulsion from that country cannot be ruled out.

In a conversation with Detq, environmentalist Silva Adamyan stated that the primary and most important question is why it was decided to hold an international conference of such a scale in a country that has shown aggression and used phosphorous weapons. "After the use of phosphorus weapons by Azerbaijan, we drafted and distributed a letter addressed to international organizations. The letter reached the recipients, but there was very little response. Special organizations only condemned the use of phosphorus weapons by Azerbaijan. It can be concluded that no attention is paid to steps like Azerbaijan, and the consequence of this is that an international conference should be held there, but there was no right to hold such a conference inside the country that showed such aggression," said our interlocutor.

Referring to the issue, recently the President of the Public Association of Cartographers of Azerbaijan, Mugabil Bayramov, speaking about the mapping of Armenia's mines, also said that the map will contain environmental information, for example, which rivers are polluted by which substances, and where these wastes are dumped, and they are going to present that information to the participants of the "COP29" international conference, Silva Adamyan said. "The data on the ecological condition of the Republic of Armenia are open. Various media regularly publish materials on this topic, the ecological situation in Armenia is evaluated and presented within the framework of various programs. Sourcing materials is very easy today. However, I consider it important to emphasize here that public environmental organizations do not conduct these studies for outsiders, it is done so that our country and our ecology are in a good condition, and when these organizations file a complaint and conduct studies, it does not mean that The mill of Azerbaijan is for filling water. It is another matter that Azerbaijan also has the opportunity to use the available publications, just as we can use the materials on ecological problems in their country."

The environmentalist notes that Azerbaijan, which talks about ecological problems, is facing the most serious ecological problems, moreover, as an oil and gas producing country, it creates serious environmental problems, especially in the Caspian Sea. "We had colleagues from Azerbaijan who addressed these issues and were expelled from their country as a result. They no longer live in Azerbaijan, they have all been expelled, I know exactly 2-3 people whose families were threatened and expelled from the country. These people raised the problems of the oil industry, its use in the energy sector and the damage caused to the environment as a result, they talked about the problems of the Baku-Ceyhan gas pipeline, etc. But in Azerbaijan, all these issues are covered up, silenced.

The enemy country has very big problems with the Caspian Sea and its surroundings. Due to oil extraction, the entire Caspian Sea as an ecological environment has been destroyed. If after a few years, let's say, no oil is extracted, it will take 100 years for the environmental problems there to be solved. Apart from that, there are also big problems in the mining sector. Very recently, their society complained about the operation of a new mine, but that mine was put into operation," said our interlocutor.

To our question whether it is possible to prevent "COP29" from being held in Azerbaijan by presenting all these problems, Silva Adamyan answered: "It's very difficult to say. As I mentioned, we wrote the letter and sent it to the international organizations, but I can't say what the reaction will be."


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