Էրդողանի անդրադարձը Պաղեստինի Գազայի հատվածում տիրող իրավիճակի վերաբերյալ

Erdogan's reference to the situation in the Palestinian Gaza Strip

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addressed the situation in the Gaza Strip of Palestine in his speech within the framework of the traditional "iftar" (dinner during Ramadan) program held in Istanbul.

The head of Turkey accused the United Nations and international organizations of not responding properly to the events taking place in Gaza and of being satisfied only with simple appeals.

And Erdoğan described Israel's actions as genocidal actions. He also complained that, apart from Turkey and several other countries, there is no one speaking against Israel.

"As Turkey, in cooperation with our friends in the region, we are trying to help the persecuted people of Gaza and alleviate their pain even a little," said the President of Turkey.

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