Azerbaijan needs the 4 villages in order to take our settlements of Tavush region under strategic target. Tatoyan: "News.am"

Hasmik Andreasyan

Determining the borders itself should also be a guarantee for human protection, but if as a result, human life is most endangered, then there is no delimitation. Arman Tatoyan, former MP of RA, head of "Tatoyan" Foundation, said this in a conversation with "NEWS.am".

"There is an international process of border determination. Determining borders, which is otherwise called delimitation and demarcation, has clear rules, and if they are observed, it can be acceptable, it is an accepted practice in the world. First of all, it is important that all issues are discussed, not based on unilateral threats or under the threat of war, but that there are clear discussions between the two sides, and there is an established peace process. Often some maps are pointed out, mechanical approaches are shown in relation to the map of this or that number, a map of the Soviet Union of this or that period is brought. above all, it is important to understand what documents we have, and besides these maps, there are many other documents: related to forests, water resources, geodetic, cadastral maps. It is necessary to assess the issues related to people's rights, issues related to security, issues related to property rights and in general the situation of what is the normal life of people there now and what will happen as a result of this process, because if suddenly as a result of the decision of the borders people are disturbed in any way normal life, then that whole process becomes unacceptable and illegal, from the international point of view it is illegitimate. that is, it has no value," said Tatoyan.

Referring to the strategic significance of Tavush for our country, Tatoyan said that in case of handing over those 4 settlements, we will have security problems not only for individual residents, but also from a strategic point of view. "Strategic objects will either come under Azerbaijani control, or they will be targeted. I am talking about priority, for example, the interstate road that connects Georgia to Armenia, individual parts of that road will become simply unusable, of course there are also sections that will be possible to use, but they are not for large vehicles. Moreover, we, having reasons to raise these issues from this point of view, cause ourselves deprivations instead of advancing these arguments. We also have a gas pipeline there, which will be endangered again. Recently, information was published that Azerbaijan opened fire in the village of Koti in Tavushi, and Azerbaijan regularly fires there, causing people anxiety, now imagine if we bring them even closer to our borders. During the armed aggression of Azerbaijan in the direction of Tavush in July 2020, when we went to Tavush to do fact-finding work, the road section leading to the Fort was already closed, the police had closed it because Azerbaijan was shooting. And that too in the conditions when they were still far away, but now imagine that we bring them closer.

Tatoyan noted that in case of surrender, Azerbaijan will be in a very favorable position vis-a-vis Armenia. "Does Azerbaijan really need those small villages of Tavush, and is it threatening war for it?" Azerbaijan does not need them as territory at this price, because the villages are so small in size that there is no need to threaten them with war. He needs these in order to take our settlements in the Tavush region as a strategic target in terms of security, and moreover, to undermine the security of Armenia."

Full article at the source site.


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