How can there be a nation that has no memory and only thinks about everyday life? Historian

Gohar Avetisyan

It is the greatest ignorance to claim that it is necessary to list the victims of the Armenian Genocide by name in order to build real foundations related to the Genocide. Historian, Armenologist Argam Ayvazyan mentioned this in a conversation with "Detq", noting that, unfortunately, most of the state officials today are cut off from history.

"That they say to make lists and so on is the right and correct Turkish point of view. Those people holding public positions are simply not familiar with our history, they are not familiar with the history of the Genocide, because there are many books and literature published about the Genocide, including the names of the victims, dates of birth, but these people, the Andranik Kocharians, are not familiar with all of that and today they reserve the right to publicize false and dangerous arguments. Let them go and study how many studies there are in Armenian studies.

Let me give another example: years ago, there was a special trial in the USA, during which the descendants of Armenians living in Turkey received compensation for their funds in Turkish banks, where all the data was indicated with the names of families and people," our interlocutor noted.

Argam Ayvazyan also considered the approach advanced by the Prime Minister and members of the government regarding the separation of real and historical Armenia to be nonsense. "How can there be a nation that has no memory and only thinks about everyday life: working, eating, living, and it doesn't care where it comes from, who its parents are? It means, in fact, to erase history and historical memory from people's heads and live with the pain and suffering of today's Armenia. That is a very wrong view. The Armenian nation that exists today has reached this moment relying on its history, its historical memory. When we say people of 4-5 thousand years, it is that memory that gives us the right to speak like that, therefore what the Prime Minister said is complete nonsense," he said.

Speaking about the border demarcation process with Azerbaijan, the historian emphasized that there was a border demarcation process in all centuries and between all states, but the current border problems of Armenia with Azerbaijan arose from the negligence and wrong approach during the years of Soviet rule. "As it is known, Azerbaijanis were nomadic tribes until 1917-18, and why not, during the years of Soviet rule, they were mainly engaged in animal husbandry. They took their cattle to the fields during the summer months, where they later built settlements. As a result, if a family started to live in any area, after 20-30 years it multiplied and created a community. That is how the history of the settlement of a part of Azerbaijanis in the territory of Armenia arose. Yes, Azerbaijanis lived in the territory of Armenia, but a much larger number of Armenians lived in the territory of present-day Azerbaijan. Let's say that 90% of the population of Baku was Armenian, there were Jews and Russians, Azerbaijanis made up a small percentage. Now, what should we say: is Baku a Armenian city? Or, for example, how many nations live in the territory of Russia today, people should say: is Russia Tatar, Haykian, Uzbek? What kind of thinking is that?" remarked our interlocutor.

According to the historian, during the last 30-40 years, Azerbaijan published and disseminated many anti-scientific and anti-Armenian studies, while Armenia did not carry out such activities. Some individuals have engaged in certain activities individually in the fields of science, culture or politics, but, according to Ayvazyan, this is nothing against the falsification carried out by Azerbaijan today. "It is our fault, both the previous and the current government, that they do not give space to science, do not use scientific studies in their politics," Argam Ayvazyan summarized the conversation.

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