It is necessary to accept that the main part of the society is not ready for a long struggle, and to change the tactics. civil technologist

Gohar Avetisyan

"Detq's" interlocutor is political technologist Armen Badalyan.

"The leader of the "Tavush for the Homeland" movement, Bagrat Srbazan, presented the action plan during the May 26 rally, and it was also announced that he is the prime minister candidate proposed by the movement. Over the next few days, the movement continued to protest in Yerevan and Sardarapat. How do you assess these developments, do you consider the movement expanding or decreasing?"

"We are witnessing another opposition process, the likes of which have happened many times in the past 30 years. Since the 1990s, there have been mass demonstrations by various leaders, political processes that have died down over time."

Currently, I would not say that there is any development. In general, the movements are like this: when a new face appears, and Bagrat Srbazan is a new face in the political process, he always has some support in the beginning, gains a certain rating. We saw that the rally of this movement on May 9th was quite large, then there was another gathering, which was smaller, then there was the gathering on May 26th, where it was mentioned that important announcements would be made there, and we saw that gathering was also crowded. In the process, there were also acts of disobedience, which did not have a nationwide character, because it requires a lot of work, a network structure, something like that does not happen spontaneously. Therefore, it would be wrong to say that the movement is developing and growing. And if there is no development for a long time, the movement dies out by itself. It is difficult to say how long this process will take. If in the beginning there was potential in the society, now it is not. People have seen many resistance movements to save the motherland, which have failed. And today, when the people gathered near St. Anna's Church went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, we saw that they were not that large. This is also related to the character of our people, because Armenians want everything to happen now, at this moment, that is, at best, they plan for a few days, not a long-term plan. Therefore, if there is no surprise in the next 10 days, then this movement may also have the fate of the movements that existed in the previous 30 years.

"You singled out the component of the people's psychology, but is this the only reason why society behaves passively during political processes?"

"The problems are different. it is both a problem of psychology, and a problem of technology, and organizational deficiencies. Only the Bishop cannot organize some processes from Meghri to Noyemberyan and from Amasia to Vardenis. There should be a network, a structure that should coordinate local actions. It is perhaps also somewhat of a lack of vision. It is not clear for people, for example, what the announced decent peace entails, say, whether they will cancel the demarcation of Kirants village or not, and many other issues."

Clarity is required in politics, and abstract statements and vagueness do not allow people to trust the movement.It must be recognized that the main part of the society is not ready and has no desire for a long struggle, therefore, taking this into account, the whole tactics of the struggle must be changed, because many people have the impression that they can achieve something by closing the street. But you cannot repeat the 2018 number. And then at that time closing the street was not the main step, the main thing was the internal, behind-the-scenes negotiations that the power should be handed over at the request of the West. Closing the street was secondary, and you cannot make that secondary process primary now.

"At the beginning of this movement, there was the approach that the process could lead to early elections. Is that political agenda relevant today?"

"I will not say that it is not relevant, let's wait a week and it will be clear. Then, special elections should be used carefully. In Armenia, the government is not formed by elections, since 1990, whoever became the executive power during the elections wins. Snap elections are not the cure for this. Let's say, if there are extraordinary elections under these conditions, believe me, CP will still be the majority, maybe not alone, but like the Yerevan Council of Elders, it can take power in an alliance."

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