No one can deny that Baku can abandon the Alma-Ata declaration at any time. political scientist

Hasmik Andreasyan

No one can deny that after receiving four villages of Tavush, Baku (ed.) can at any time abandon the main principle of delimitation in Armenia, the Alma-Ata declaration. The continuous dictation of new conditions by the leaders of Baku (ed.) and Turkey leaves no doubt in this matter. Political scientist Manvel Sargsyan wrote about this on his Facebook page.

He specifically noted: "In that case, what can become the main principle of territorial delimitation between Armenia and Baku (ed.)?" This question is not easy to answer. Therefore, it is worth once again to refer to the background of the appearance of the parameters of the problem that has arisen at the moment.

When the end of the USSR and the abolition of the norms of the Soviet Constitution were announced in December 1991, all the peoples of the post-Soviet territory made their decisions regarding the future forms of existence. National projects were involved based on the ideas of each nation. The Armenian people, living in two Soviet administrative units, Armenian SSR and Nagorno-Karabakh, even before the dissolution of the USSR, within the framework of the perestroika policy conducted in the USSR in 1989-90, it was decided to reunite these two units within the borders of one Republic of Armenia. However, after the dissolution of the USSR in 1991, the first authorities of the Republic of Armenia separated from the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, without fixing it in legal acts.

The leadership of the Republic of Armenia declared reconciliation with Turkey a strategic goal, and the unresolved issue of Nagorno-Karabakh was described as the main obstacle to the realization of that strategic goal. In fact, Armenia set a course of solidarity under the terms of the Treaty of Kars signed in 1921, which determined the borders of the Republic of Armenia, and later the borders of the Armenian SSR within the USSR.

But since in the same year 1991, the Azerbaijan SSR declared itself the successor of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic of 1918 and renounced the terms of the Kars Treaty, the issue of territorial demarcation of Armenia and Baku (ed.) remained unresolved, even without taking into account the Nagorno Karabakh issue. And in the conditions of the dispute over the status of Nagorno-Karabakh, even the issue of international recognition of the sovereignty of Armenia and Baku (ed.) has gained special relevance. A solution was found in this difficult situation.

The CSCE clarified the situation. On January 30, 1992 (recognized by only a few states), Baku (ed.) was admitted to the CSCE on the same day as Armenia. The sovereignty of those states was then recognized by the CSCE, on the condition that they acknowledge the existence of disagreements over the ownership of Nagorno-Karabakh and agree that the future status of Nagorno-Karabakh will be decided at an international conference under the auspices of the CSCE. This agreement was registered in the mandate of the CSCE Minsk Conference of March 24, 1992. Both states gave such an agreement, promising to solve the issue peacefully.

During the last decades, the "ground" realities have radically changed several times. The actual subject of the dispute, Nagorno Karabakh, has also been physically dissolved. However, there has been no change in the internationally agreed legal conditions for determining the borders between these countries in the region. These conditions are the most legitimate conditions of the dispute over the borders of Armenia and Baku (ed.). The attempt to replace these terms with the terms of the Alma-Ata Declaration only complicated the relations between the parties to the dispute.

Apparently, very soon everyone will have to make a new choice."

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