There is already talk about 13 villages, Baku is making its conditions even tougher. political analyst

Gohar Avetisyan

The people consider the process of demarcation and delimitation mainly from the perspective of security, because they are not familiar with the legal procedures of that process and look at the issue purely from the perspective of whether it will increase or decrease their security. Political analyst Vardan Balyan mentioned this in a conversation with "Detq", referring to the visits of RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan to the border regions of Armenia and the mood of the people there.

According to the political analyst, Pashinyan's visits are obviously preparations for the referendum. "Obviously, there will be a referendum, as I have mentioned many times. Most likely, it will be in the fall, and the government has started preparations. In terms of procedures, the process has been completed, it remains to prepare the public opinion to hold a referendum.

In my opinion, if the cause of public dissatisfaction is not extinguished, the referendum will be together with the extraordinary elections, because in that case the referendum will definitely take place. If there were no parliamentary elections, I doubt that they will be able to ensure the number of participation in the referendum, let alone get the necessary number of votes," our interlocutor noted.

Speaking about the current milestone of the "holy movement", Vardan Balyan noted that, as he emphasized in his previous analyses, these developments and this logic will not achieve results.

"Now I insist the same and say more, because the opposition sees the outcome of the situation in the parliament, i.e. the resignation of Nikol Pashinyan and the election of a new prime minister, with the nomination of a candidate of the existing opposition factions, even in that case, the election of a new prime minister is excluded," he said, also excluding the street possible change of power or handover of power by Pashinyan.

In the conversation with us, the political analyst also expressed the opinion that special elections are more beneficial to the government at the moment than to the opposition. "The opposition field is basically deserted. The people who are currently in the parliament will not get the same percentage of votes in case of new elections, that's why they don't want to put the mandates, because they understand it very well. The new forces are also not established, they are not ready for the elections. In fact, we do not have an organized force with electoral resources among the pro-Western parties. More or less, the "National Pole" is in that field, but the latter must also assess the situation correctly, because in the case of the resolution of the movement unfolding these days, it is possible that it will lose some electorate.

As for the active propaganda carried out by Baku and its influence on the RA processes, the political analyst noted. "There is already talk about 13 villages, Baku is making its conditions even tougher, and as I have said many times, Aliyev's administration had no intention of concluding a "peace agreement" and does not have any, it is excluded. Moreover, now, when the problem of the return of Artsakh Armenians is being discussed, Baku, as a response, has set a condition for the return of the Azerbaijani population to the regions of Armenia."


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