
Baku sets a precondition that we should not arm ourselves and continues its policy of militarization. Hayrapetyan

Gohar Avetisyan

Azerbaijanologist Tatev Hayrapetyan writes in the Telegram channel. "Yesterday, the head of the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan, Zakir Hasanov, gave an interview, some interesting and important parts of which I will present in parts here.

Thus, he said: "Talking about our military cooperation, we first of all mention brotherly Turkey. You quite rightly noticed that according to the Shusha Declaration, we are allies, the integration of the two armies is at a high level, not only in education and training, but in all areas. Even our control points are connected to each other. We are engaged in joint activities. Our honorable Mr. President has a famous saying: "One nation, two states and one fist".

There are types of training in both education and training. As you know, there is an exchange of experience, a lot of work is being done in the field of military industry. Soon, based on the decision taken by Mr. President, the production of the most modern weapons and equipment or their parts will be organized in Azerbaijan. I especially want to note that it is gratifying that the military industry of brotherly Turkey is rapidly developing. It is not only about "Bayraktar" and "Akenji", there are other questions. I must say that, in particular, the military industry of Turkey has developed greatly in recent years. Naturally, Azerbaijan also benefits from it. Works in this direction are being carried out at a high pace."

Here, the head of the Azerbaijani defense department actually admits once again that the management of the armies is carried out jointly, isn't it natural that the leadership of the Azerbaijani army does not manage the Turkish one, but the Turkish side manages the Azerbaijani army. This is already evident since the 2020 Artsakh war. The administration of the Azerbaijani army was carried out by the Turkish side. There are also clear names, one of which is Colonel General Bakhtiyar Ersay of the Turkish Army, who was appointed as Hasanov's advisor, in fact Hasanov does not have any role, the leadership of the army is in the hands of Ersa.

In the framework of the interview, Hasanov said: "You see what is happening in the world. Unfortunately, the situation is getting hotter day by day. Wars are expanding, the number of countries involved in wars is increasing, and each state is taking measures to ensure its security. We see that the establishment of the Ministry of Defense Industry is the confirmation of the great foresight of the honorable Mr. President. Now you have to stand in line to buy weapons in the world. Unfortunately, the whole world is arming itself. If we now compare the current situation with five years ago, we will see great changes. Therefore, we have already arrived at it fully prepared.

We have the capacity to supply at least 70 percent of our needs. Our goal is to take this to the next level. We are talking about firearms. Now we have set ourselves the goal of providing ourselves with shells and missiles. I assure you that behind every word of Mr. President there are actions, a lot of work is being done in this direction. Azerbaijan has been given problems that we, God willing, will solve, and this is a happy fact, we will provide ourselves with the most modern weapons, equipment and armament. We will use the opportunities of fraternal Turkey and establish joint production."

Hasanov confirms once again that Azerbaijan will continue its policy of militarization. It is against this background that Baku reserves the right to interfere in our internal affairs and impose a precondition that we should not arm ourselves during any agreement on the arms deal by Armenia. This is when, as they say, the whole world is getting armed, and Azerbaijan is not far behind."


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