Aliyev is in no particular hurry

Gohar Avetisyan

Political scientist Suren Surenyants writes in the Telegram channel."While US Deputy Secretary of State James O'Brien has assumed the role of chief lobbyist for the Middle Corridor for the past two weeks, aiming to limit the influence of Russia, Iran and China in the South Caucasus and Central Asia, Aliyev is heading to Astana for the Shanghai Organization summit, and during that time strategic gives assurances of cooperation to Putin, signs a declaration of confirmation of strategic partnership with China.
This does not mean at all that Aliyev is the bearer of an anti-American course, but he definitely does not want to become an affiliate of one geopolitical center.

And finally, why should Baku unilaterally give in to the assurances of an administration whose months are numbered?

Aliyev has the ability to calculate and has understood that he can get the most if he develops relationships in all directions.

Aliyev is trying to increase the weight of Azerbaijan for all centers.But this also means that Aliyev will not rush to sign a document with Armenia using American "algorithms".


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