Baku's goal is to temporarily stop the peace process with Armenia. political scientist

Hasmik Andreasyan

Azerbaijan's goal is to delay the peace process with Armenia for the time being, while there are no insurmountable differences in the peace treaty draft and it is possible to finalize the text in just one month, which means that the positions of the parties are approximated.

According to "Armenpress", head of the Security Policy Research Center Areg Kochinyan expressed this point of view during a press conference on the topic "What is the purpose of Aliyev's precondition for changing the constitution of Armenia?"

"In this case, to talk about amending the Constitution of Armenia means at best to significantly delay the terms of signing the peace treaty, and at worst to completely stop the negotiation process aimed at achieving peace," said Kochinyan.

According to the political scientist's observation, Baku's actions can be explained in two ways. The first is that Azerbaijan does not really want any peace treaty, but is preparing for new escalations and even military operations. And the second option is that during the years 2022-23, certain agreements were formed between Russia and Azerbaijan, which were reached especially in parallel with the processes of ethnic cleansing of Nagorno Karabakh and the withdrawal of the Russian peacekeeping force, and Azerbaijan, according to the agreement, in return or not will sign the peace agreement, or will delay its signing as much as possible, and if the process is unavoidable, then the signing will take place in Moscow, which will emphasize the additional role of Russia in all of this.

"I am more inclined to the second option, because Azerbaijan has an obligation to Russia. This is the reason for the absurd statement of the Azerbaijani side, by which Baku demands from RA to change the Constitution. The statement is also absurd in terms of content. The article, which in our Constitution refers to the relevant chapter of the Declaration of Independence, rather than the provisions, caused the ARF, relying on that reference, to apply to the Constitutional Court after 2008, claiming that the Zurich Protocols are unconstitutional. Back then, the CC made the opposite decision. In other words, there is a precedent decision that this reference cannot be an obstacle for the points included in the corresponding chapter of the Declaration of Independence," explained the political scientist.

According to Kochinyan, the Constitutional norm put forward by Azerbaijan, which they believe should be changed, is actually irreplaceable. To meet that demand, we will need a new Constitution, the adoption of which is a rather complicated and time-consuming process.

"The moment the peace agreement is signed and ratified by the parliament, it will immediately be sent to the Constitutional Court, after which I predict that the Constitutional Court will consider it not contrary to the Constitution. After that, according to RA legislation, this issue can never be discussed again. No political force will ever be able to enter the court with the same issue, because the decisions of the CC are final and indisputable. Taking into account all that, we can come to the conclusion that Azerbaijan's precondition is fictitious and contrived," the political scientist concluded.

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