The government approved the project to transform the subject "History of Armenians" into "History of Armenia"

Gohar Avetisyan

According to the decision made at today's July 11 session of the government, the subject "History of Armenians" will be taught under the name "History of Armenia" from now on. KGS Minister Zhanna Andreasyan detailed that the content of the program will mainly emphasize the facts, historical realities, events related to the restoration, appreciation and preservation of statehood.

Referring to the subjects taught in schools, in particular, the subject of Armenian history and their standards, Andreasyan said: "In order for the school to realize these problems, the teaching of history is key. The standard defines the field of patriotism and society and social sciences, within the framework of which the history, culture, religion, geography, and spheres of public life of Armenia and the Armenian people should be presented. In another point of the standard, the subject of Armenian history is presented as a compulsory subject," Andreasyan noted.

According to him, at the moment the name of that subject is problematic, because the word Hayk translated from Greek means Armenia, Armenians, but in the process of presenting and teaching the history of the legal state, it does not fully convey the idea of ​​statehood, so the project proposes to carry out the teaching of history under the name "History of Armenia".

"The teaching of history should first of all be aimed at the analysis and presentation of historical events from the position of modern Armenia, the Republic of Armenia. In that sense, we will also be able to present history much more visibly and systematically for students, making the idea of ​​statehood more understandable. And on the basis of this, the student will see the connection between the entire history and the state in a simplified version, perceiving the state as a result of historical episodes and processes," said the minister of KGSMS.

He informed that this project is not about changing the content of the subject, but about changing the presentation of the content of the subject.

Referring to the project, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan noted that the adoption of such a decision is related to the fact that the Government's strategy is based on statehood, independence and sovereignty.

"I must record that the state is a completely different way of thinking, the state is a completely different culture, the state is a completely different point of view, and we must have the strength to admit and face that this way of thinking is not always and everywhere available to us." Pashinyan mentioned, stressing that the state should be placed at the center of public life.

According to Pashinyan's assessment, they are now in a process where they are trying to climb to the tower of state perception, from where the world and life can be seen in a completely different way, and this is an extremely important process.

"The history of Armenia is the history of the development of the existence of the state with episodes of the non-existence of the state, and the history of Armenia is the history of the non-existence of the state with episodes of the existence of the state. This is a very important and conceptual logic," said the Prime Minister, adding that in this regard, it is important to change the socio-psychology of the public.


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