The Armenian Genocide Museum has received valuable archival materials about the Hamidian pogroms

Hasmik Andreasyan

The Museum-Institute of the Armenian Genocide has received valuable archival materials about the testimonies of the Hamidian pogroms. We learn about this from the Facebook page of the museum-institute.

The RA Ambassador to Italy Tsovinar Hambardzumyan transferred the exclusive archival documents to the museum's funds.

Edita Gzoyan, director of the Armenian Genocide Museum, noted that it is the second time that Hambardzumyan has donated valuable archival materials to the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute. He assured that they will be studied by HCTI researchers and will be published.

"The archival materials are mostly Italian documents, which in one way or another relate to Salvatore Lilli, a witness of the Hamidian pogroms, an Italian Franciscan monk, who in 1982 He was ranked among the blessed by Pope John Paul II," said the Armenian Ambassador to Italy.

Shushan Khachatryan, head of the documentation and research department of the Armenian Genocide victims and survivors of the museum-institute, also noted that Father Salvatore Lilli, who has very interesting testimonies about the persecutions and massacres of Armenians and Christians in general during the reign of Sultan Abdul Hamid of the Ottoman Empire in 1894-1895. was killed along with seven Armenian companions by Ottoman soldiers in 1895. on November 19.

Khachatryan informed that together with Italian-Armenian authors Siranush Quaranta and Carlo Coppola, they are preparing to publish a book based on the study of this archive.

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