From the point of view of Iran's national interests, it is unacceptable that demarcation and delimitation between Yerevan and Baku become a precondition for concluding peace. political scientist

Hasmik Andreasyan

Political scientist Vardan Balyan writes:"The Iranian website "Parstoday" has published an interesting article, in which it is mentioned that it is possible to supply more than half of the gas demand of our country with the gas pipeline from Iran to Armenia. It is interesting that the media associated with Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps makes a transparent hint about the readiness to significantly increase the volume of supplied gas, noting that the signing of the defense agreement between Azerbaijan and Turkey in Shushi, the withdrawal of Russian peacekeeping troops from Artsakh and the withdrawal of Russian border guards from the Armenian-Azerbaijani border are a serious influence. act from the point of view of Iran's interests and security, according to which the consequences will become more visible in the long run.

It is interesting that the Iranians consider the reduction of Armenia's energy dependence on Russia to be on the agenda for our authorities right now, not excluding the priority of gas and oil supplies from Azerbaijan compared to Iran. And Iranians consider this circumstance as an increase in the influence of the Turkish-Azerbaijani union, which is a direct threat to Iran's national security.

There is a reference to the topic of so-called enclaves. "If Azerbaijan gets access to the enclave territories through which the Russian strategic gas pipeline feeding Armenia passes, it will mean control by Baku." From the point of view of Iran's national interests, it is impermissible for the demarcation and demarcation of the state border between Armenia and Azerbaijan to become a precondition for concluding peace, because countries hostile to the Islamic Republic can use this leverage to destabilize the region bordering Iran."

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