Նրանց քաղաքականությունը Զանգեզուրին է ուղղված․ մնացած ուղղություններով շարժումները կամ հարվածները ուշադրությունը շեղելու նպատակով են արվելու․ Հրաչյա Պետրոսյանց. «Ազգ»

Their policy is aimed at Zangezur: movements or blows in other directions will be done in order to distract attention. Hrachya Petrosyants. "Azg"

Mary Gasparyan

"Azg" talked with Hrachya Petrosyants, a military expert, lieutenant colonel of the reserve army, former lecturer of the Military Institute.

“During the 44-day war, the most frequently heard word, expression, concern was the following: "close up the air". But during the one-day war in September 2021, we saw that not only Artsakh, but also Armenia's air is unprotected”.

“You know, the military equipment you have or have acquired does not solve the problems of the people. Back in 2018, when we met with Deputy Minister Gabriel Balayan with the representatives of the demobilized officers' union, I, responding to the information he provided about the arrangements and negotiations to acquire new military equipment, asked who needs the arrangements if all of it will remain in the warehouses. will not be used because we do not have specialists. The problem of our army, first of all, is the lack of specialists. Now I ask the same question: do we have the necessary specialist staff to be able to use the equipment we have or will have in the future? It is also not a secret that in recent years there is a serious lack of applicants and admissions at the Military Institute. And, in fact, we are not able to provide not only quality, but also quantity.”

The moral condition of soldiers is more important than weapons and military equipment on the battlefield. The number one key to combat success is unit cohesion. If we also superficially analyze the combat operations of 2020, then we will see that those divisions, those military units that were integrated, had a certain degree of combat training and were morally ready, fulfilled their task. The consequence of taking unharmonized units into a joint battle may be the defeat of the combat task.

“Some experts in the military sphere believe that Azerbaijan's next attack may come from the part of the contact line where we least expect it”.

“ I think there can be an attack from all sides, the question is how well we can imagine the enemy's plans. It is necessary to analyze all possible options, scenarios and be ready for them. In any case, we understand that their policy is aimed at Zangezur, therefore, any movement or blow in all other directions will be done in order to divert attention”.


Full article on the source website.

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