
If this plan is implemented, Turks will travel from the capital to Meghri. Tiran Lokmagyozyan

Mary Gasparyan

"Detq" interlocutor is Tiran Lokmagyozyan, an expert on regional issues.

"The other day, there was an exchange of prisoners on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border. After that, there is even more talk about signing the "peace treaty" as soon as possible. On the other hand, Baku rejects Yerevan's offer to withdraw troops from the border with Armenia. To what extent can we claim that Azerbaijan really wants to sign a peace treaty with Armenia?"

"If Azerbaijan releases Armenian prisoners, makes such a gesture, then I am more afraid, because Azerbaijan would make such a gesture only if it received something greater in return. We have seen Ilham Aliyev's working style for years. Turks have a saying, they say: "It's not a holiday, it's not a celebration, why did the groom kiss me?", that is, if the groom kissed me, then there is something, you have to be careful. Now, if Aliyev took such a step, I guess he has a benefit from it, if he did not get his benefit, he will not do good. Therefore, we can say that he definitely received something in return for the return of the captives, and later we will find out what it is."

"Secondly, Azerbaijan does not want to sign the "peace treaty", and here the reason is very simple: it hopes that it will still be able to extract something from Armenia. Since he is able to go ahead and get what he wants, he will not sign, because once he signs, the process will stop. Since Azerbaijan is able to work with the current leadership of Armenia and get what it demands, why should it sign?

On the other hand, we see that day by day their demands and what they get in return are increasing. For example, at first they said Meghri road, which became a corridor, then our leader recently announced that he would give them 3 crossing points, that is, one became 3, and now they are already talking about 7 crossing points, opening a railway with Turkey, etc.

If you give them so many crossing points, then you give them the same number of roads, that is, Armenia will be "prokhodnoy dvor", mainly the south of Armenia, but up to Yerevan, because where will the railway going to Kazakhstan go from? In other words, the Turks will travel from the capital to Meghri, come and go and do whatever they want, because you cannot keep the flow under control. If you put the whole police force on the case, you won't be able to control it. And day by day we sink deeper into the quagmire in which we found ourselves thanks to this government.

You say that Azerbaijan does not want to sign the "peace treaty", then what are the constant statements by Azerbaijan and Turkey about signing the treaty as soon as possible aimed at?

There is less talk about signing a "peace treaty" in Turkish discourse. It is more said: fulfill the wishes of Azerbaijan. We see that Azerbaijan is constantly expressing new wishes. Why do you know? because we keep opening new doors for them, we have already reached such a state that Azerbaijan does not manage to demand as much as we give. I mean, they're coming after us.

In this Armenian-Azerbaijani process, Western mediation is rejected by Baku, Russia's mediation by Armenia. In parallel, an attempt is being made to switch to a bilateral format without intermediaries. What does this mean for Armenia?All this, in my opinion, is the plan of the West, and one of the main points of that plan is to secure their position here and drive Russia out of the region. The rest are secondary issues. In parallel, regional players also have their interests. Azerbaijan has taken the right place and does not want to let go, and the West also wants to finish this project. The West is not interested in how much interest Azerbaijan has had, they need to complete this matter, and Azerbaijan, as I said, wants to extract more from Armenia, that is why it does not want to enter the waters of the West, so that it does not have to sign and complete it at once. the process.

Russia also offered to gain time, which was beneficial to Armenia, but since Artsakh does not exist today, Azerbaijan can calmly say, let's negotiate with Russia. If we look, Azerbaijan changed the format of negotiations several times in the recent period. at first he was in favor of having it through European mediation, then he said that it should be Europe, but not France, then Russia should be, Europe should not be, then Turkey should be, then it should be bilateral. Of course, now the most convenient option for them is to speak directly without intermediaries. But no one wants that, neither Russia nor the West, because in that case the process may not end in the way the latter want.

Although the leadership of Azerbaijan talks about signing a "peace treaty", at the same time it puts forward the fake agenda about "Western Azerbaijan", which is nothing more than an open desire for the sovereign territories of the Republic of Armenia. Having understood all this, if we keep talking about peace, aren't we trapping ourselves?Having understood all this, if we keep talking about peace, aren't we trapping ourselves?

If I thought that our authorities were working in favor of Armenia, I would agree with you, but I am sure that they are not working in favor of Armenia.


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