
Who says that the solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh issue was not in its "non-solution"? Tevan Poghosyan

Mary Gasparyan

Yesterday, in an interview with Public Radio, RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated that in the negotiation process of the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh problem, there was never such an option that offered a solution to the Nagorno Karabakh problem. To what extent does this claim correspond to reality? We asked former MP, political scientist Tevan Poghosyan.

"When someone uses the word solution, ask them what they mean by solution. And who says that the solution to the Nagorno Karabakh issue was not in its "non-solution"? Its idea should have been that each generation would contribute, strengthen, strengthen, and pass on to the next generation.

What did Pashinyan envision as a solution? if the accession, then it should fight for it, take action, instead of waiting for someone, the Republic of Armenia should initiate the accession process. If people imagined that the world should recognize it for us, then they should go and see when and how it could be realized.

Therefore, when someone uses the word solution, I am interested in what content they put in it. until we solve that substantive problem, the rest of the issues are secondary," said Poghosyan in a conversation with "Detq" reporter.

He emphasized that each of the former presidents of RA negotiated and passed on his idea to the next, and no one gave the right to any person to think about such a solution to the Karabakh issue.

"It was necessary to do everything to pass on better conditions to the next generation, which is what they tried to do in the past. We had the same economic system, the same social system, educational system, security system with Artsakh, the process of integration was taking place. And who says that someone had to come and solve the problem in a hurry?

On the first day when he (Nikol Pashinyan - ed.) came to power, he should have understood that he had only one task in front of him, that he should do everything to preserve, strengthen, strengthen and pass it on to the next, not to look for something, which would be called a solution. Not to mention what damage it did to the Republic of Armenia, putting statehood in danger. We must understand that the real solution to the independence of Artsakh and the Republic of Armenia had an Artsakh root, starting from the Artsakh movement, it was that tree that was watered, and it gave two Armenian statehoods, which should be strengthened and made into a big tree.
There is such an idea in architecture that if, for example, you have to plant a tree, you plant such a tree under whose shadow you may not even sit, but your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will thank you for it," said the political scientist.

According to him, the rest of the interview was just manipulation, another opportunity to say: I have no sin, I am not guilty. "This time the former ones were not to blame, this time it was the international community that convinced them to lower the bar. Addressing these manipulations will do no good."

Referring to the question that according to Pashinyan, there was a solution to the problem in the past years, it was the solution of Meghri and Nagorno Karabakh exchange, Tevan Poghosyan said. "And Aliyev's father rejected that option. After all, the basis of that idea was not the exchange, everyone knew that, it was also manipulation, and the second president also explained in his interviews what happened in Key West. Those who are familiar with the history of negotiations know very well that Aliyev himself said that he could not even convince his family, when they raised the question of whether they recognize the independence of Karabakh, that there should be a compromise, not accession, Aliyev's father said. What difference does it make to me after Karabakh is not mine?

Everyone knows that Key West rejected Aliyev, that is, it was not a solution for Azerbaijan. And while Azerbaijan was sowing hatred in its country, Armenia had to think about what it was sowing in its generations to be able to keep it all. But people came and said that the important thing is money, to live well, and that's how it happened."

Summarizing the thought, Tevan Poghosyan said that no matter how much we try to find a topic from that interview and talk about it, it was all manipulation. today they "blurred" like this so that the next day the public will sit down and discuss what he said, next time they will invent a different story, different dates will be told, whether there was a possibility or not to keep Armenia's statehood.

"However, the statehood of Armenia has always depended on the existence of Artsakh. was born with it, continued with it. Let us remember the words of our national hero Monte Melkonyan, by losing Artsakh, we will turn the last page of Armenian statehood. Now he has turned that page, no matter how much he tries to say that Artsakh was pulling Armenia back, it is not so. Artsakh was pushing Armenia forward," concluded the political scientist.

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