According to the Secretary of the Security Council, Russia is a security partner of Armenia according to documents, but this mechanism does not work

Hasmik Andreasyan

There are representatives of the border guard troops at the border guard post of the FSB of the Russian Federation located on the Nerkin Hand road, and they are there to ensure the security of Armenia. According to "", Secretary of the Security Council Armen Grigoryan stated this in an interview with the Public Television, responding to the statement of Maria Zakharova, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, that she was "trying to please someone in the West" with her statements to the Russian border guards. .

"According to the documents, Russia is Armenia's security partner. Maybe now they don't accept it, and from 2020 we see that the mechanism put in place in the 1990s doesn't work at all. Russia has a presence there and could not prevent the escalation," said Grigoryan.

The Secretary of the Security Council, referring to the Azerbaijani provocation carried out on February 13 in the direction of the Armenian positions in the village of Nerkin Hand in the Syunik region, as a result of which the Armenian side had 4 victims and 1 wounded, stated that the Russian border guards in that area could not prevent the provocation.

In response, Maria Zakharova stated that the Secretary of the Security Council of Armenia distorts the reality.

"We evaluate such statements exclusively negatively. This is not the first time that the Secretary of the Security Council has distorted the facts, just, I think, to please someone in the West. Maybe we can find some reasons to criticize Russia. There are no Russian military personnel on the territory of Inner Hand. According to the agreement with the Armenian side, in 2021, a FSB border service position was deployed there.

But at the same time, as we know, an investigation is being conducted in Armenia regarding the implementation of the order to prevent provocations and maintain restraint in the border zone. We consider the attempts to belittle the Russian border guards to be counterproductive, because they have been guarding the borders of the republic for 30 years and have repeatedly proven that they are in demand.

Unlike our border guards, the fake EU monitors are not doing what they are there for. Their main occupation is intelligence activities of Russia and Iran. And, of course, a little selfish," Zakharova said.

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