
Armenia is used as an outpost to put pressure on this or that country. Turkologist

Gohar Avetisyan

Turkologist Mher Abrahamyan answers the questions of "Detq".

"Recently, Turkey seems to have increased its influence on Armenian-Azerbaijani relations. Ditsuk, for example, the agreement of US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan to work towards the promotion of a peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan. I would like to comment on what these processes are and what impact they can have on us."

If we look at Turkey's geographical position, it is beneficial to both Eastern and Western powers, and it has always been so throughout history. Therefore, Turkey, taking advantage of this favorable position, has always tried to win various dividends and is able to work with both sides, especially during the Erdogan era. Erdogan strengthened these privileges of Turkey and is trying to get benefits for himself from various diplomatic actions.

Currently, we see that Turkey has many meetings with both the Russian and Western sides. Let's remember Zelensky's visit to Turkey, then Hakan Fidan's visit to the USA, where agreements seem to be reached in various actions. And here Turkey is using this situation to take its state to a higher position.

Of course, these processes will be lucky for us, because, as we see, Turkey supports Azerbaijan's steps in every way and by all means, be it encroachment on Armenia, territorial claim or something else. All this will be lucky for us, and if the leadership of Armenia continues to work in this style, then Armenia will face serious problems.

"Can we say that at the moment Turkey has support to solve issues in the region, or is Turkey's factor overestimated?"

"Of course, Turkey has that opportunity from the West, but now the West is trying to keep Turkey in check. In other words, the West is trying to play Turkey instead of forcing it to take any action, so it is making concessions on certain issues."

"In other words, is it possible that as a result of these processes, at some point, Turkey will be appointed as the "guarantor" of security in the South Caucasus?"

Everything leads to that, and today's government, with its policies, leads to that. However, the players in the region use Armenia as an outpost where they can exert various pressures on other countries, such as, say, Turkey and Azerbaijan, which may turn against them after a certain time. First of all, it is Russia. Being at war and being surrounded by the West, so to speak, with iron curtains, he tries to move south, that is, to Turkey, Azerbaijan, Africa, the Indian Ocean. In the case of Russia, however, it is a bit difficult to maintain this territory, although Russia will try its best to maintain it, because the loss of the South Caucasus is full of dangers for it, and especially dangers from the West, since Turkey is a member of the Western bloc. : And the West is trying to use the South Caucasus against Russia, push it out of the territory of Armenia, so that it can keep its hand on Turkey and Azerbaijan, which are slowly trying to become independent in the South Caucasus and the surrounding areas.

"What is Iran's situation in this situation? Can Iran contain or counterbalance these processes by not allowing, as they say, any change in historical borders?"

Undoubtedly, Iran has such intentions, but Iran's diplomatic and foreign policy is more hidden, and Iran will definitely try not to allow the countries in the region that will try to harm it to grow stronger in any way. I am talking about Turkey in particular, but in terms of Turkey, it is more reserved, because they are bordering countries and have various agreements in the economic, commercial, and political spheres. Therefore, Iran is trying to play more carefully, it has warned several times in diplomatic language that its southern border is a red line for it.

"There were publications that Turkey has accumulated military forces in the area of the Margara checkpoint, and why not, in its other border areas as well. Who is this military force directed against and what to expect?"

I think that militarization is being strengthened in the sense that the world is quite restless today and wars are taking place around Turkey. To the north is Ukraine, to the south is the problem of Yemen, there is also the problem of Syria, and Turkey seems to be bringing its border to a higher military level. Why not, it is possible that after some time such a center will open in the South Caucasus as well, but at the moment this part is not so "hot". Three years ago, that hearth was more intense, and they solved some problems with the 44-day war, but I repeat again, the situation is tense all over the world, therefore, that militarization was conceivable.

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