Blinken well understands that rapprochement with the RA political leadership entails great risks for the West. political scientist

Hasmik Andreasyan

Blinken called Aliyev prior to the tripartite conference between the United States, the European Union, and Armenia. Various and contradictory assumptions can be made in this respect. Because the head of the world's number one superpower loves Azerbaijan's influence in the region so much that he always makes a nice gesture towards a trusted Western ally. Can this call be taken as another message to Baku that your interests will not be jeopardised no matter what? Political scientist Garik Keryan discussed this on his Facebook page.

"If someone had told me three days ago that Blinken would call Aliyev before the tripartite meeting, I would have considered it an incredible and ignorant prediction. But come on, anything is possible. If we leave aside our traditional Armenian pessimistic feelings and the 250-year long history of unfair treatment of the Armenian people by the great powers and try to evaluate this event with a sober political science approach, we must record this reality.

In the current system of international relations, the great powers/power centers no longer have the tools and leverage to force small states to do what they perceive at any time. There is no more bipolar or unipolar world order. The pressure of one side can be opposed and resisted by approaching, allying and cooperating with its opposite pole.

Blinken well understands that rapprochement with the political leadership of Armenia entails great risks for the West. It will most likely contribute to the Russian-Azerbaijan rapprochement, which in itself also means the strengthening of anti-Western sentiments in Baku and Ankara. Aliyev has already mentioned several times the harmfulness of the biased position of the West in the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, especially mentioning the USA and France.

It was no coincidence that in order to reassure the Turkish-Azerbaijani side, it was also announced that the trilateral meeting on April 5 will be a discussion of economic assistance issues, which was again a reassuring message to Baku.

It is surprising that the pioneers of Armenian political thought, ignoring these simple and obvious realities, expect great expectations from April 5. There is even talk of a great positive breakthrough in the history of the Armenian people. God willing, we will accept that fateful turn with great satisfaction and enthusiasm and admit our mistake. We will see, and until then, the Kremlin's 24-hour messages are pouring out the destructive consequences of Western intervention for Armenia. Strength and ability to keep us out of trouble," he wrote.

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