From the point of view of transport and logistics, Armenia is interesting to external actors only in terms of "Zangezur Corridor". expert

Gohar Avetisyan

Doctor of political sciences, professor Vahe Davtyan writes on his Facebook page. "The "North-South" international corridor continues to come to life at a dynamic pace, actually turning Armenia around with its "intersections of peace" and other such fictitious initiatives.

Recently, the Resht-Caspian railway, which, in turn, is a part of the Iranian-Azerbaijani Qazvin-Resht-Astara railway, was commissioned in Iran. The latter is one of the axes of the Caucasus-Caspian section of the "North-South" corridor.

The formation of the Iran-Azerbaijan-Russia North-South electric energy corridor, which I have already referred to many times, is proceeding with the same logic and dynamics.

For external actors, Armenia is interesting from the point of view of transport and logistics, exclusively for the "Zangezur Corridor". No communication of international significance will pass through the besieged Armenia, neither "North-South", nor "East-West", because the main projects under both have already been implemented or are already in the implementation phase.

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